About Here With Us
Who we are.
We are Janine and Marlayne, two sisters united by a shared journey through the unique challenges and joys of raising sons with autism. From early childhood, we have navigated the complexities of motherhood differently, with determination and an unwavering commitment to finding the positives and rewards in our experiences. Now that our boys are adults, our mission has evolved into a vision: ensuring they live fulfilled lives.
We aspire to provide resources, knowledge, and a supportive forum for others walking this path. This site is not just a source of information but a catalyst for a society that embraces autistic individuals as integral members of our community. Together, we can foster environments where they can work, live, and thrive.

We believe in the potential of every individual, regardless of their neurodiversity. Everyone has the ability to embrace who they are, define their future, and positively impact the world.
I am Janine.
When my son Jackson was diagnosed with autism at two years old, it was a quick push into the world of intervention. My baby would no longer be cared for by just his parents. Almost immediately, doctors, therapists, teachers, and specialists entered. I was fortunately guided to be in a place that would prove to be the best for Jackson at that time and through his years in school.
Jackson, now in his early twenties, will enter the adult world. In the 90’s the rate of diagnosis was 1 in 150. Today it is 1 in 59. While that is alarming, the fact remains that all of those children diagnosed 20+ years ago are no longer babies, toddlers, or adolescents. They are adults and they are Here With Us.
This last year as I consider this new transition, I began to identify what was most important on my list of criteria for Jackson to make his debut into the adult world. A place that was safe. A place that promoted calm, acceptance, and inclusion. A place that gave respect and kept dignity as a priority. These are the things that mattered to me. I imagined that these things would be first and foremost in any parent of a young adult with autism’s thoughts.
With that in mind, this foundation was created with this unique population in mind, to identify existing organizations that may be enhanced by funding and knowledge. We will encompass all areas of socialization, recreation, education, vocation, and housing.
To serve those that are Here with Us.

I am Marlayne.
My son, Gian, was born in 1990 at thirty-one weeks and, from the very beginning, we noticed differences in how he interacted with the world. We took him for auditory and genetic testing, as well as doing our own research. By the time he was eighteen months old, he was diagnosed as a person with autism.
In the early 90’s, far less early intervention was available. Doctors told us there was no way to anticipate Gian’s “intelligence level.” We decided to enroll Gian in preschool alongside his sister, who is physically disabled. When he was ready to begin elementary school, Gian attended a BOCES school where he should have remained until the age of twenty-one. However, he was released at eighteen due to behavioral problems. His school told us they had “come to the end of the road” with him and no day programs were available to him. So he stayed home with me as his primary caregiver. His boredom broke my heart.
In 2011, I discovered Without Walls, a self directed program that centered around support staff coming to our home and taking Gian into the community. While he was one of the first one hundred people to receive this kind of program, it is now one of the most popular ways of aiding adults requiring support. Gian has always struggled with aggression and anxiety and so has never really connected with his peers. Until this year, with my sister’s encouragement, when he’s tried social classes like yoga, art, and Zumba, with his cousin, Jackson, and other local young adults.
For Gian’s future, I want to create an environment where he is calm, peaceful, and happy; a place where he can have friends and, hopefully, be with his cousin, safe and loved. My sister and I are looking forward into the future, wishing and working for a secure, happy life for our sons and others.